Onyx Training Group, LLC

Owner / Operator: Galen Muhammad

USCCA Official Partner
Range Safety Officer Certification
Active Shooter Certification
NRA Instructor
USCCA Wear & Carry Instructor

I am a prior military officer in the Maryland Army National Guard who was enlisted right before high school graduation. During basic training, I shot Expert with the M-16 (semi and auto modes) and M-203 grenade launcher. As an officer, I shot the .45 only once, but also qualified as Expert. I was also a special police officer (SPO). During that time, I carried a .38 while on duty in Washington  DC. However, I owned no guns of my own until AFTER becoming a firearms instructor. Since then, I am a Maryland State certified instructor with certifications from the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) and the National Rifle Association (NRA). What led me to becoming a firearms instructor was the simple lack of instructors in the chapter we'd just chartered, Onyx Sharpshooters on May 26. 2020. My goal, when I learned about the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA) was to join a chapter and learn more than I already knew about handguns. I didn't know that there was no NAAGA chapter in or even near Prince George's County.  So, I went from planning on being in a chapter to being a chapter president.  Then I learned about the HQL qualifications. Initially, we outsourced all of our HQL classes until I found a USCCA instructor who came from Frederick, MD to Clinton, MD to conduct his instructor class with myself and 7 other students. As of February 2022, I was appointed as the Maryland State Director for NAAGA (later, adding Washington, DC to my jurisdiction). I set a goal to charter a chapter in every Maryland county where NAAGA has members. We went from 3 chapters to our current 12 chapters. And there's more counties in Maryland to receive a chapters! I look forward to aiding others in their journey of seeking firearms safety and training.